速報APP / 遊戲 / Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Russia, Moscow, Gastello str. 41-192

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖1)-速報App

Tap to change the direction of the line. Draw a ladder and don't let the ball fall and drop from the ladder.

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖2)-速報App

How long can you keep the ball in the air? Can the ball jump forever on the white twisty road?

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖3)-速報App

And remember, the ball can not hit one horizontal line twice!

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖4)-速報App

Super simple casual game. But it is really relaxing!

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖5)-速報App

Tap Stairs - Hit the Bounce Ball Flappy Forever(圖6)-速報App